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The first trailer for All of Us Are Dead – Season 2 opens with a haunting silence, broken only by the distant sound of shuffling feet and low, guttural growls. The screen is filled with a sweeping aerial view of a desolate city, partially in ruins, with smoke rising from several buildings and streets littered with abandoned cars and debris. The camera slowly pans over familiar locations from Season 1 — the now-abandoned high school, the shattered windows, and bloodstained hallways, all remnants of the violent and desperate battle for survival.

A voiceover from one of the surviving students begins: “We thought it was over… we thought we were safe. But the nightmare has only just begun.”

Quick flashes reveal new scenes: the few survivors from Season 1 — scarred but resolute — looking out over the devastated city from a rooftop, as the sun sets behind them. Their faces are marked with a mix of fear, determination, and grief. The camera focuses on On-jo, Cheong-san, Su-hyeok, and others as they cautiously make their way through the deserted streets, carrying makeshift weapons and backpacks filled with supplies.

The tension mounts with shots of new survivors, including a group of young adults and children hiding in the shadows, their eyes wide with terror. The camera cuts to a fortified shelter, where a small group has gathered, discussing their next moves. “We have to get out of here,” one of them says urgently. “The infection is spreading… again.”

The trailer ramps up with rapid cuts of intense action sequences: zombies crashing through doors, sprinting down alleyways, and scaling fences with an unnatural speed and hunger. The survivors fight back with whatever they can find — makeshift barricades, fire, and blunt objects — desperately holding the line against overwhelming odds. We see glimpses of new types of zombies, faster and more aggressive than ever, with glowing red eyes and unnerving speed.

The music grows more intense as the screen shows the military’s involvement: soldiers in hazmat suits deploying in quarantine zones, firing at the advancing hordes, and trying to contain the outbreak. But even they are shown struggling against the relentless tide of the infected, hinting that the situation is rapidly spiraling out of control.

In the midst of chaos, there are moments of emotional intensity: a tearful reunion, a betrayal, and a heart-wrenching sacrifice. The survivors must confront not just the undead, but also each other as fear and desperation set in. On-jo’s voiceover returns, saying, “We have to stay together… it’s the only way.”

The trailer crescendos with a final, chilling scene: a darkened hallway, where a single figure emerges — someone from the past, believed to be dead, but now very much alive, and different. Their face is obscured by shadows, but their eyes gleam with a mix of anger and something more… something terrifying.

The screen cuts to black, and the title card appears: All of Us Are Dead – Season 2. The trailer ends with the tagline: “The outbreak never ended… it just evolved.” The release date “2024” flashes on the screen, along with the Netflix logo.