4 Ways to Make a Milkshake without Ice Cream

Not everyone has a container of ice cream in their freezer. The next time you or your kids crave a milkshake, but you have no ice cream, no worries, I’ve got a few creative milkshake recipes that are even more delicious that those with ice cream. These healthy milkshake recipes are perfect for any occasion.

When it comes to milkshakes, the ingredient list can be totally unpredictable. From a 3-ingredient milkshake to an amazingly unique milkshake with heavy cream, raw cacao powder, and fresh berries, you will certainly find something for yourself or your little ones. Check out some ideas on how to make a chocolate milkshake without ice cream below:

If all you have in your kitchen is milk and sugar, you can still create a delicious milkshake that will satisfy your sweet tooth. Whether you have a new expensive blender or an old whisk, blend those two ingredients together to get a wonderful milkshake. Sure, it will not be as creamy as a milkshake with vanilla ice cream, but still, you will like it.

If you also have a cup of heavy cream in the fridge, combine it with a cup of milk, ΒΌ cup sugar, and ice cubes or frozen berries and blend until smooth. You will get a super creamy milkshake without ice cream in a jiffy. You can use honey instead of sugar, or skip sugar at all to get an almost skinny milk drink, depending on what cream you use. This can be a great addition to your list of low-calorie milkshakes and sugar-free milkshake options.

Blend milk, heavy cream (optional), banana, sugar (optional) and a raw cacao powder until smooth. This milkshake helps to boost energy and fight chocolate cravings. Add 5-6 ice cubes to your drink and you will get a refreshing summer cocktail to enjoy by the pool. If you do not have cacao, try adding coffee to your milkshake.

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