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The teaser trailer for The Purge 6: Retribution begins with an eerie, distorted version of the familiar announcement: “This is your Emergency Broadcast System announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge, sanctioned by the U.S. government. Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use… All crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.” As the sirens wail in the background, the screen flashes with quick glimpses of a city descending into chaos — fires burning in the distance, masked figures moving in the shadows, and civilians locking themselves inside their homes.

The camera then cuts to a close-up of a man in a black leather jacket, his face scarred, and his expression hardened with determination. A new voiceover begins, “They took everything from us… our safety, our families, our peace. This time, we’re taking something back.” The man is revealed to be a former government agent, now leading a resistance movement against the architects of The Purge. Played by a major new actor, his character seeks justice and revenge for the deaths of his loved ones during a previous Purge night.

The trailer ramps up with intense, fast-paced scenes: groups of people preparing for battle, donning masks, and arming themselves with an arsenal of makeshift and high-tech weapons. A montage of confrontations follows — vigilantes taking to the streets, ambushing those who thrive on the lawlessness, and attacking government buildings. Explosions rip through the night, and the city becomes a battlefield, with rebels and purgers clashing in the streets.

Quick flashes reveal new and returning characters: a young woman who survived a previous Purge and is now fighting back with a vengeance; a wealthy elitist who profits from the chaos but is being hunted by the resistance; and a masked figure, more brutal than any seen before, who seems to be orchestrating a personal vendetta. The tension is palpable as alliances form and break, and the stakes are higher than ever.

The trailer’s music builds to a crescendo with the sound of heavy breathing, gunshots, and screams. We see glimpses of government officials watching the violence unfold from a secure location, their faces cold and calculating. One of them, a high-ranking official, declares, “This Purge, we’ll show them all who truly has the power.”

The screen cuts to a tense scene in which the leader of the resistance looks directly into the camera, his voice filled with defiance: “They think we’re afraid… They think they can control us. But they have no idea what they’ve started.”

The final moments of the trailer are a blur of violence, desperation, and chaos: masked purgers charging at a barricade, a high-speed car chase through the darkened streets, a rooftop showdown, and a tense standoff inside a burning building. The camera zooms in on a masked figure with fierce eyes — a new player in this deadly game.

The screen fades to black, and the title card appears: The Purge 6: Retribution. The trailer ends with the tagline: “When the system fails, the streets rise – Coming 2024.”