The trailer for “Damsel” (2024) reveals an epic fantasy adventure that promises to subvert traditional fairy tale tropes, starring Millie Bobby Brown as the bold and fearless lead. Directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo and produced by Netflix, this thrilling film explores courage, survival, and self-empowerment in a world filled with danger and mythical creatures.

The trailer opens with stunning shots of a mystical kingdom nestled in the mountains, with castles and lush forests stretching as far as the eye can see. Millie Bobby Brown plays Elodie, a young woman betrothed to a prince from a distant land, seemingly set for a life of royalty. A voiceover speaks: “Once upon a time, the tale of a damsel was simple… until she chose to rewrite it.”

We see glimpses of Elodie preparing for what she thinks is a wedding, but the tone shifts dramatically when she is betrayed and thrown into a deep, dark pit as a sacrifice to a terrifying dragon. The music swells as Elodie, no longer a bride-to-be but a prisoner in a deadly situation, looks up to see the dragon’s glowing eyes approach.

Rather than accepting her fate, Elodie decides to fight back. The trailer shows her resourcefulness as she navigates treacherous underground caves, battling not only the dragon but also facing traps, dangerous terrain, and fierce warriors who want her to remain in captivity. Millie Bobby Brown’s character is determined, transforming from a “damsel in distress” into a fierce warrior, learning to wield a sword and survive on her wits.

As she encounters other characters—a mysterious guide, fellow captives, and unlikely allies—the trailer teases her growth into a true hero. We catch glimpses of intense action scenes: sword fights, narrow escapes, and a climactic battle against the dragon itself.

The film’s tone alternates between high-stakes fantasy adventure and moments of personal growth, highlighting Elodie’s transformation. With gorgeous visuals, fiery action sequences, and a strong theme of empowerment, “Damsel” aims to be a thrilling and emotionally charged fantasy film.

The trailer ends with Elodie standing atop a mountain, looking out over the kingdom, her voiceover stating, “I’m no one’s sacrifice.”

The title “Damsel” flashes on the screen, followed by the tagline: “She’ll write her own destiny.”

Set to release in 2024 on Netflix, “Damsel” promises a bold reimagining of the fairy tale heroine, starring Millie Bobby Brown in a role that blends action, adventure, and empowerment.